Deepen Your Knowledge
Learn more about win/loss and churn/renewal analysis, best practices for a customer research program, and the value of candid customer insights.
Four Keys to a Successful Win/Loss Analysis Program
Whether you’re doing win/loss analysis in-house or using a third-party consultancy like IcebergIQ, what are best practices for a successful program?
Why It's Worthwhile to Interview Wins Too
When it comes to understanding how to improve win rates, it can be tempting to focus on your losses and what went wrong. But there is value in talking to your newly signed customers as well.
Double Down on Helping Your Customers Realize Value: New Churn Research Findings
How can you retain customers? This question is top of mind for B2B SaaS companies in the current economy.
Start your journey
Reach out and explore how IcebergIQ can help you get to know your customers better and go to market with confidence.